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Rising Star, TikTok Influencer, and Trans-Woman Jae Gottlieb talks about Social Media and Mental Health

Updated: 6 days ago

Hi Friends,

We’ve recently been watching TikTok, especially with all the buzz in the air about TikTok having to be bought by an American company or be banned in the United States. Reports of Mr.Wonderful and other investors have sparked interest in buying, but the Founder doesn’t have any plans or want to sell to the United States.

As we’ve grown towards TikTok, we have been watching certain influencers that help the community. With that being said we’ve recently been watching a Trans-TikTok Star by the name of Jae Gottlieb, and her fan-base who goes by the name of the Jaebies. She’s been a TikToker whose broad streamed her whole life in the Big Apple, New City, NY. As she’s done so she’s run into some really big things in her career such as working with Lana Del Rey’s team, and being included in many magazines such as Paper Magazine, NY Magazine, and even a cookie company – YUM. 

Pictures provided by Jae Gottlieb

Jae has encountered a lot of love, and support, and grew a quick fan base. She’s also encountered some harassment and stalker activity. 

We’ve recently reached out to Jae and asked her a few questions that could potentially help the current or next wave of influencers be safe online and how to protect their peace. Daily Gay News is proud to present – Interviewing Jae Gottlieb, a Star, Influencer, and Trans-Woman Activist. 

Interviewer: How has social media directly influenced your personal life and career as an influencer? 

Jae: Social media has had an amazing influence on my life and helped me grow as a person. Being an influencer has allowed me to work with people I could have only dreamed of working with a year or two ago. Curating my social media channels has allowed me to grow my brand to what it has become today and has given me endless opportunities for growth. I wouldn’t trade what I have created with my followers for anything else in the world.

Interviewer: Can you share a specific instance where social media had a significant positive or negative impact?

 Jae: A significant negative impact is my ongoing issue with an internet stalker who has made aspects of my life a nightmare. With legal counsel and law enforcement, we are in the process of holding them accountable for their actions. There have been recent articles referring to the situation in both The Daily Beast and The Netherlands Times.

Interviewer: How do you balance authenticity with the pressure to create content that performs well on social media platforms? 

Jae: My content has always been about me living my life, so being authentic on social media has never been a struggle for me, especially since my life is live-streamed 24/7. I always share my true and authentic self online, and that is what I’m sure has helped me achieve the success that I have garnered. On a positive note, I have had the opportunity to work with my favorite music artist, Lana Del Rey. Of all the great things being an influencer has offered me, this is the best example thus far.

Interviewer: What strategies do you use to manage the mental health challenges that come with being in the public eye on social media? 

Jae: The biggest help to my mental health that I have come to realize is that I need some “me time.” No matter if you work a typical 9 to 5 or live stream, everyone needs some alone time. I have had to decide if it is worth my energy or not, and my favorite quote I say is to “always make sure to protect your peace.”

Interviewer: How do you think social media platforms can improve to support the mental well-being of their users?

 Jae: One downside to social media is that there is a lot of hate speech spewed across all platforms. I have experienced this firsthand on apps such as TikTok, Twitter, and Instagram. These three are the main platforms that my internet stalker has used to spew hate and commit cybercrimes against me. The apps typically do nothing when my followers and I report a video harassing me or disclosing my personal information, which in return puts me at risk. All social media channels should work on their moderation and actively be working on a better way to protect everyone online.

Interviewer: How do you perceive your role in influencing public opinion, especially on topics related to the LGBTQIA+ community? 

Jae: I have had several instances where I’ve had the opportunity to influence public opinion on LGBTQIA+ individuals. There have been multiple times of intentional disregard for my pronouns and intentional discrimination because I am a trans woman. In these instances, I have had to stand up for myself and correct them. Even when corrected, they often still discriminate. Some have even gone as far as to like and approve discriminative comments and hate speech towards the trans community on their social media platforms. In defending myself, I also attempt to educate bigoted people to protect our community.

Interviewer: Have you ever changed your stance on an issue due to the feedback or discussions generated on social media? 

Jae: Since my life is being live-streamed 24/7, I have had to adjust the way I approach things sometimes, and I feel it has made me a better person by doing so. I have learned to be more responsible for how I handle certain situations.

Interviewer: What role has social media played in building communities around shared interests or identities? 

Jae: Communities on social media can be a great thing; however, they can also be very negative. There are certain communities that spew hate and commit cybercrimes. However, there are also communities that help many people associated with the LGBTQIA+ and give them a safe space to talk about their experiences and get guidance on certain topics that many have not faced. A lot of my community are part of the LGBTQIA+.

Interviewer: How do you foster a sense of community and belonging among your followers?

Jae:  I love my followers, and they are the reason I am where I am today. I feel a big sense of community amongst my followers because I identify as a trans woman, and with some of my audience being either trans or part of the LGBTQIA+ community, it helps us all have a sense of being with each other. Another way I am able to build a sense of community is through a common experience, such as when something happens on my live stream and everyone watching gets to experience something together. One final way I am able to foster a sense of community is that I am good at remembering people and certain facts they disclose to me, so I am able to remember them and continue the conversation with them. I love how I have fostered such a tight-knit community with my brand.

Interviewer: Can you discuss the direct economic opportunities that social media has provided for you and others in the influencer industry? 

Jae: I am very grateful for the multitude of opportunities that social media has granted me access to, such as the two times I worked with Lana Del Rey and her team on projects, Paper Magazine, New York Magazine, and a cookie company. I am looking forward to even more opportunities soon.

Interviewer: How do you navigate the commercial aspect of social media while maintaining your personal values and integrity? 

Jae: Because my content is me live streaming myself, I feel it is easy for me to be honest and authentic with my viewers and thus allows me to maintain my values while generating revenue from my subscribers (also known as my Jaebies), so I am so thankful to them.

Interviewer: In what ways do you believe social media has indirectly influenced cultural norms and societal expectations? 

Jae: I believe that the exposure to different walks of life and different experiences allows people to realize what they might be going through is more normal than what they had originally thought. It also helps educate people on topics or other experiences they might have no knowledge about before.

Interviewer: How do you use your platform to challenge stereotypes and promote diversity? 

Jae: Being a trans woman, I can attest to the fact that the world can be a cruel and dangerous place. I use my platform to demonstrate that being a successful trans woman is possible and everyone can accomplish what they want to if they put effort towards it. I also use my platform to demonstrate what the world is like as a trans woman.

Interviewer: How do you protect your privacy and security online, and what advice would you give to others about this? 

Jae: The way that I protect my privacy and security is that I apply a green screen when I do not want my location to be known. I have also had to add moderators to my chat to mute or block anyone that will say where I am at. Because I am a live streamer and everything is happening in real-time, in a very popular place, it can be difficult to ensure my safety and my privacy. I’ve had my fair share of being doxxed, and I feel like social media companies need to work on securing the safety of everyone online.

Interviewer:Where do you see the future of social media heading, particularly in relation to influencers and content creators? 

Jae: With the potential TikTok ban becoming more and more possible, I am unsure how that will affect social media overall. However, I am seeing that more and more influencers and content creators are helping with things such as elections, political issues, and many are trying to make the world a better place.

Interviewer: How do you plan to adapt to the evolving landscape of social media? 

Jae: As the TikTok ban has become more possible, I am venturing out from just the one app. I have decided to start posting more to my Instagram and YouTube channels.

Interviewer: What advice would you give to someone looking to become an influencer, especially within the LGBTQIA+ community? 

Jae: My biggest advice is always to make sure to protect your peace. The world can be a cruel and scary place. My other piece of advice is to just start posting. Becoming a live streamer has been an amazing thing that I am thankful to be able to do.

Interviewer: What do you wish you had known when you started your journey as a social media influencer? 

Jae: I wish that I had decided to protect my peace more and select the “battles” that I deem worth fighting for.

As we had the pleasure to ask Jae these questions and to give feedback and advice to her Jaebies, Jae has been working on creating her Estradoll. As the details are limited - we were able to get some sneak-peeks to share. Pictures sent to us by Jae Gottlieb.

Thank you for taking your time to read our Question and Answering with Jae Gottlieb. Make sure to leave a like on this article to show support to Jae.


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